Saturday, January 18, 2014

Holo spam

Had some pretty awesome nail mail the past couple weeks, including a couple Color Club holos. I bought two last year and remembered them being awesome but never thought to buy anymore.

My current mani is using Eternal Beauty, and Angel Kiss as an accent. I love the holo in these, I just wish the colors were deeper. I feel like this would be more suitable around Easter or something.

Two coats CC Eternal Beauty, 4 coats CC Angel Kiss. I was hoping the color would deepen.

I'm a bit disappointed that color-wise, Eternal Beauty is the same as Jade's Fascinio Violeta, so now I may swap that. Jade seems to have more holo, but the application of the Color Club is so much better. I've been craving a darker purple holo so the other day I layered Fascinio Violeta over Julep Sylvia. I really liked the result, but it still didn't quite give me the rich bright purple I've been wanting.

Two coats Julep Sylvia under 1 coat Jade Fascinio Violeta

To keep with the holo theme, a couple months ago I swapped for Layla's Flash Black, which I thought would be a pure black holo. The holo is nice, but at it's darkest it's a charcoal gray. I even layered it over a black creme, which ended up being a giant mess, and still wasn't black.

Two coats China Glaze Black on Black under 2 coats Layla Flash Black

And the last holo on today's post is my only KB Shimmer polish, Rollin' With the Chromies. I was kind of hoping it'd be a dupe for Enchanted Polish's Across the Universe, but this ended up having way more colors than I thought it had. Next time I wear it I think I'll layer under purple and hope more purples will pop through, but the polish is definitely gorgeous by itself.

Three coats KB Shimmer Rollin' With the Chromies. The flash pic is horrible, I'm sorry, but it had so much holo it was unbelievable

I've been wanting to wear some brighter colors to counter the dark weather, so the next batch of swatches will likely be neons!


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